Sunday, April 25, 2010

I'm Seeing You All

Forgot to mention in this week's post. I'm "seeing" you all. My friends and family. It's funny. A sort of game that Mark and I play when we're out somewhere or traveling somewhere far from home. We see someone who looks like someone back home. It makes us smile. Here, when I see someone "from home," it gives me great comfort.

Amazing that people from all over the world can be so familiar! Either that or I'm really cracking up here! In any case, it's good to "see" you...Caty Cook and Michelle Pfeiffer. Someone "sent" you two girls to me.

I'll look for more of you in the coming weeks.


  1. I think you may be cracking up.......just sayin'.

  2. Marcia (from Lisa Pf)- I love the blog and enjoy sharing your experience. I have to find a place in Philly that teaches this yogo so I can expience it at least once!
