Monday, May 31, 2010

Wish Yourself Good Luck

Monday morning one class only. We had the rest of the day off. I thought a bonus post was in order. Hard to believe I have even MORE to say after yesterday's rambling post that seemed to never end, isn't it? I will be brief. I have to go to study group anyway, so I can't take too much time for now.

This morning, Esak Garcia was our teacher and someone was cranky. It was either us or him. Not sure which one, if not both, but the energy in the room was definitely lacking. Plus, it was Monday MORNING. Everyone is creaky and stiff. Week seven. Class number 59 in 6 weeks!! That is a lot of yoga. Maybe we were all cranky.

So I looked at the weather report for the coming week here and it brought a story to mind. One that (believe it or not) I haven't shared yet.

Our training leader, Manali, who is most stern and always having to try to control 350 of us with only her voice and demeanor, told us last week (or more?) about the "smiling and laughing club" in India. She told us this story because when she stands up front before class or lecture to make announcements, and she greets us with a pleasant "Good Morning Everybody," we sometimes are a little lacking in our enthusiasm to wish her a "Good Morning!" back. Then she will ask us "why we are so sad" today or "why we have such a strict look on our face" today. So...on one of these days, she proceeded to explain to us about the "smiling and laughing club" in India. She said that people pay to belong to this club, attend it in the early morning, and always practice smiling by making the sound of "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" which automatically turns your mouth into a smile, teeth showing.

So, Manali told us that we should look at ourselves in the mirror each morning before we leave our rooms and do the "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" in order to start the day out right. She says it's not hard to smile then for the rest of the day.

Of course, we all now do the "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" to her at every opportunity. Someone in the room will start it, nice and quiet, and then the sound gets louder as we all join in around the room. Even though she tries to scold us and tells us to stop it, we continue to smile at her and make the sound. Usually it makes her laugh or smile. And she is always trying so hard to be strict and stern, so it's nice to see her smile.

"Wish yourself good luck," is what Manali is always telling us.

So, since the temperatures in Vegas are going up into the 90's this week, and by Saturday it is supposed to be 102, the outlook is HOT, HOTTER, and even MORE HOT for the yoga tent. Better start hydrating! It seems an appropriate story with an appropriate quote from Manali.

Wish yourself good luck indeed!

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