Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today is the fifty-ninth wedding anniversary of my parents.

I am so grateful for them and for everything that they gave me growing up. Not material stuff, but the love and supportive atmosphere that I didn't even realize I was lucky enough to have. I am grateful that they found each other fifty-nine years ago (well, more I guess, if you want to be technical) and stayed together raising four children through times that I know must've been difficult sometimes.

I feel as though I have had everything I could ever have wanted in this life of mine so far. And I know it is because of what my parents gave me. The foundation that they gave to me that allows me to be a strong person, to believe in myself, to choose right over wrong.

Being here among so many different people from all over the world and all kinds of backgrounds, as I have said before, has made me even more thankful for them.

So, God Bless Mom and Dad today, on their 59th wedding anniversary. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for what they have given to me. I hope I can instill the "whatever it is" (seems like a kind of magic to me) in my own child and that she will feel as fortunate as I do one day.

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