Monday, May 17, 2010

Had It All Along

So, today in class, I was thinking...about nothing in particular, which is what you are supposed to do. Just doing my postures and focusing on nothing.

When a thought popped into my head out of no where!

And I had a revelation of sorts. You know my post for this past week was "mind over the matter," right? Well, during class today, the thought that popped into my head was...actually more like a conversation (or many conversations over the years actually) that I've had with my mom. Something like this...

Marcia: "Mom...are your knees bothering you? Looks like you are in pain."

Mom: "Well, I just tell myself that they are NOT bothering me."

Me: (eye roll) "Now, Jennie...maybe you should see the doctor about them?"

Mom: "I don't need to see the doctor. I just tell myself that they are fine. And that's that."

Those of you who know Jennie know that there is no arguing with her. This is the end of this particular conversation (which occured before the knee replacement surgery, by the way.)

Or another one...

Marcia: "Mom...your back bothering you? Seems like something is up."

Mom: "Yes, but I put the heating pad on it and I tell myself it is NOT bothering me and it's fine."

You see a trend here?

Or this one...

Marcia: "Mom...HOW do you only eat chocolate twice a year? Don't you want some chocolate when it's not Easter or Christmas, for God's sake?" ("For God's sake" is a big Jennie-ism.)

Mom: "Well, of course I want the chocolate, but I made a promise a long time ago to God and this is a sacrifice of sorts and so I just do it."

Marcia: "Man, I wish I could be more in control like that!"

You see it yet???

It's MIND OVER THE MATTER!!! My mom has been exposing me to this all of my life! How cool is that? I grew up with this technique right in front of me! She says her knees aren't bothering her and they don't. She says her back isn't going to stop her from bowling/golfing/shopping...and it doesn't! She says she won't eat chocolate and she doesn't! She has TOTAL mind control!! Wow!

And since Mom is older than Bikram (although I won't say how much older)....I have to wonder if maybe HE didn't learn it from HER?

We are always thanking our moms for stuff. Stuff we don't even realize they are doing for us or stuff they teach us by example. I guess I am teaching my own daughter by example right now. She will realize it one day too. I hope it's a good one It seems that it takes a lifetime to realize how much our moms do for us...even now after 46 years I am discovering new things. It's nice to continue to realize how much a parent does for their children...sometimes unintentionally, just by being themselves. I am so lucky to have a mom like Jennie. And a dad like Mike.

Feeling so blessed today.


  1. Hey Marcia! It's Amy from the Stony Point studio. Just wanted to send a quick hi and let you know we're all thinking about you and sending our best wishes!

  2. Thanks, Amy!! I can "see" your smiling happy face and it's making me smile right now...halfway point. LOTS to smile about!
