Sunday, June 13, 2010

Energy Follow Up amazing story here.

Get ready.

You ready?

At least I find it amazing.

You may find it coincidence.

Or bullshit.

But I'm going to write about it anyway.

Last week I posted the whole "energy" thing. How I didn't have any, how the yoga room was so hot that it literally sucked the life out of me, how I cried all week due to exhaustion from having no energy. All of it. Right? (It's okay to go back and review if you need to. Much as I would like to believe that anyone out there who is reading my blog is committing every word to memory, I realize this may not be true.)

So, I got an email the other day from one of the super amazing practitioners at the Richmond Studio...and she said that she took a communications class last week and her homework was to, basically, give someone some energy! How about THAT?'s gonna get better.

Her message said that she was attempting to push some energy my way during her standing head to knee posture in class that day. She said that she thought a strong, steady energy was just what I might be needing about now. How thoughtful, huh? And so true.

And let me add that I don't even know Kelly that well. Our paths haven't crossed that often at the studio. I just know of her and her amazing yoga practice. She is a bit of a legend in my mind. One of those people who you can't help but watch during class because her postures are so beautiful.

So, this was on Wednesday during her morning class in Richmond. Early, 6 AM class. That would have been 3 AM Vegas time. That was when she was sending me some "energetic thoughts."

So, here in Las Vegas, I was taking class for the second time that same day, the 5PM class. (8PM Richmond time) And, for the first time during the entire training, as I was attempting my standing head to knee posture, I was really thinking about it. I was thinking things like, "Why can I still not kick out very well after 8 weeks of practicing?" And, "Why is my standing knee still wobbling?" And, "When will this posture EVER improve for me?" And, "I wonder what kind of mental block I have that is causing me to not be able to complete the next step of this posture??" And, "I'm supposed to be setting an example as a teacher when I can a teacher still have a sucky Standing Head To Knee Posture???" On and on, thoughts going through my head about Standing Head To Knee. (For you non yogis, this posture is one in which you take turns standing on one leg, balancing there, and you pick up the other leg with your hands together, fingers interlocked like a stirrup...and you straighten the leg you are holding in front of you, then you balance there for a minute before you sort of roll forward, tucking your chin in to your stomach and you touch your forehead on the extended knee. VERY difficult posture, requiring lots of strength flexibility and mental determination.)

So, I'm sort of obsessively thinking about the posture while performing the posture, hoping that it will get better for me. Some day. Eventually. In the future.

I woke up next day and received the email message. thankful was I for the energy and I emailed back to Kelly that "funny enough, during my class yesterday, I was really thinking very deeply about that particular posture." Then I sent a second message, just out of curiosity, to see if the time that Kelly was sending the energy matched up with the time I was actually in my class and concentrating on it.

No...Kelly sent her energy at 6 in the morning from Richmond, 3 in the morning Las Vegas.

But, the really cool part of the story is that when Kelly was typing and sending me her email, the time in Richmond was about 8:30 PM.

Got that?

8:30 PM in Richmond is 5:30 PM in Las Vegas!

5:30 PM is about the time I was working on Standing Head To Knee posture in my class!!!

I couldn't make up a story like this if I tried, honestly!

Makes me believe a little bit more in the power of positive energy! You should, too!

Or that it is just coincidence.

Or bullshit.

The great thing is that you can believe what you want.


  1. Hi Marcia!
    Very cool story/coincidence/confirmation in the idea of a shared energy?

    I know that in meditation, the idea of thinking positively of someone is not to magically send them beams of energy--it's that we ourselves are energized by the act of kindness and thinking of others. Maybe that could be part of it, too! :-) Hey, anything to get ya through a class, right?

  2. That is exactly the way I feel about my standing head to knee. Will it ever get better?

  3. KP...your standing head to knee will get better one day (as I hope mine will) as long as no one next to you in the yoga room PUSHES YOU OVER while you are trying to balance. :) "They" say that our practice is gonna improve dramatically in about a month. I hope "they" are right. I miss your smile. Hope you are glad to be done and getting some much needed rest.
