Sunday, March 28, 2010

Countdown Clock

Recently received a laptop to use during my teacher training. For staying in touch with folks. "Blogging." Bloke says we need to get "modern," so I'm now starting this blog. If anyone is out there reading, then I guess I can call myself "modern?" One of the things that my new laptop seems to be lacking is a word processing program. No journal for me here. I guess I'm forced into using a more "with-it" method of keeping track of my thoughts. I imagine that one day I'll need to go back in time and read all of this stuff that I'm currently doing. I hope this blogging thing doesn't disappear one day. My memory is sure to.

So, one of the widgets on my new laptop is a countdown clock. Silly thing. I plugged in the Day of Departure, April 17th, and all it did for me was give me a slight headache and queasy feeling. Nineteen days?? So much left to accomplish in just 19 days. It seems that I can't think straight, see straight, memorize my yoga dialogue, or do just about anything else without feeling stress. Guess I'm a bit anxious about leaving my life for nine weeks and letting go of all of my control issues.

Uh...not that I have any control issues.

So, the countdown clock is running somewhere on my computer, but I can't find it now. It's probably just as well. It would only make me more anxious.

If I actually publish this little bit of writing, it'll be a minor miracle. My official "blog" will have started.

Three weeks from now I'll be in Las Vegas with a bunch of people that I don't know. Moving into a hotel for nine weeks with a roommate that I don't know. Without a car. Without much freedom. Just doing whatever someone else tells me to do. And yoga. Lots and lots of yoga. I've never been to Las Vegas. I'm a small town girl. I've only been West of the Mississippi one time in my 46 years. WHAT am I thinking??

Three weeks on a countdown clock is 19 days or so.

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